Online Membership Site Development September 2022

Project scope
UX design Graphic design MediaSkills
employee coaching project planning web 3.0 project charter marketing scalability user experience (ux) course development business-to-consumer business to businessGroup Project = 2 Teams for Membership sites in Wishlist Member for WordPress, or other platforms like Tribe, Peerboard, SubHub, Brilliant Directories or other Web 3 platforms.
Internship - 4 individual students for September 2022
CareerNiche Inc. is a growing HR Career Transition boutique marketing firm that assists with Employee branding, career outplacement and employee coaching and training is looking to design new programs and courses to help them with career job seeking, career transition, for both B2B and B2C, employee coaching and employee career development plans.
We have various membership software and are looking to connect this to some of our course LMS Platforms and more.. We would like to do more course development and looking for help from HR students and media students on this. We are open to new ideas as we must be scalable .
Creating Project Charter with assistance.
Develop a project plan and UX that works for adult clientele
Look at how to set up the website's different use cases for functionality using Subject Matter Experts.
We have a strong Instructional Designer and Educator with 30 years experience in a Master in Educational Technology will to assist with Mentoring a team of students in instructional design if they are technically inclined to use simple software tools. related to Media, Web design, HR Training and Development, Course Curriculum and online quizzes, gamification and more.
We have staff to support your efforts for the Membership site to ensure the various tier levels of membership coincide with our marketing objectives and content goals for Career Transition support to our corporate and consumer clientele.
About the company
CareerNiche is the Pioneer in the brand new category of Professional Career Transition Marketing and Organizational Change Management. We perform in the b2b Outplacement Coaching, Training and Consulting Services with Enterprise level Corporations and b2c Career Transition space for job seekers and career driven individuals. On the consumer (b2c) side, we are there for the lifelong career journey, helping driven, career - focused individuals who want to turbocharge their career success through proper personal branding and self-marketing for career, life and work advancements and transition. We prevent clients from living someone else's dreams for their future or being in a job or industry that no longer excites them. Next, with regard to career advancement or job searches or pivots from corporate to entrepreneur, we are there for client's entire career life cycle. CareerNiche recognizes the blurred lines between employees toggling between freelancers or contract gigs. We help clients gain a real advantage. You can help change our clients' careers and lives after job loss.
We are looking to produce our first PR Campaign the second half of 2024.