Tweebaa App Backend Development

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About the company
Our Tweebaa app is going to launch globally very soon, with our own crypto currency and Leivaire DAO NFT launched altogether. Tweebaa pioneers Earning Commerce, a revolutionary infrastructure that empowers individuals to earn not just money, but also influence, creativity, life purpose, self-respect, tips, hobbies, skills, interests, like-minded connections, personal branding, and multi-dimensional wealth.
By redefining relationships, success, status, happiness, and meaning, Tweebaa reshapes and reorients 'value'—how it is earned, distributed, and shared—while breaking down monopolies and hierarchies. It simplifies upward social mobility, promotes global collaboration, and provides free access to a worldwide marketplace for all forms of value.
Confronting the manipulation of AI algorithms by major platforms, Tweebaa introduces a HUMAN-centric solution. Through the integration of Web3 (user ownership of data via NFTs) and Web3.0 (personalized user experiences), Tweebaa fosters innovation and multi-value monetization within its ecosystem, creating a transformative platform for a more equitable future.
With AI automation, many more people will not have jobs or a way to earn an income. Tweebaa is a new model that brings some VERY important people into the payment stream of society.
These are the helper people -- the kind of people who would visit an elderly person and keep them company simply because it's a good thing to do. A neighbor might teach another neighbor a DYI skill thathelps that person save a lot of money. Or, you might connect a random person to a lucrative job opportunity, and give this person a life-long income. There are many important people like this who could be poor or suffer, even though they are essential to the prosperity of their communities.
These kinds of people could earn a livelihood for their good efforts, and this livelihood is well deserved because their efforts support the community in powerful ways that were previously unrecognized. Therefore, people get rewarded for their contribution to their communities --not just because they have created a specific thing that people buy or pay for.
With Tweebaa, these essential activities -- like bringing joy to people, making people happy by organizing and planning social activities, connecting with people, and interacting with people -- will generate real income, and it can actually make these individuals very wealthy.