Analysis of the International Neurotechnology Investment Landscape

Project scope
Accounting Market research Product or service launchSkills
due diligence investment decisions mergers and acquisitions investmentsThe goal of this project is to assist the Ontario Brain Institute (OBI), in better understanding the investment landscape of the neurotechnology industry.
We would like to better understand the trends, patterns, and due diligence methodology used in the investment of neurotech across the globe. The types of investment deals (acquisitions, mergers, IPOs, licensing deals, average deal size, valuation methods for early stage start-ups etc.).
A comprehensive report of the neurotech investment landscape would be expected by the end of the project that summarizes and goes into depth the intricacies of how venture capitals, angels, family offices etc. make investment decisions into neurotech companies, and the steps leading up to it. A stronger understanding of what makes a company succeeds through different series of investments would be an important point of focus for this project.
About the company
The Ontario Brain Institute is a provincially-funded, not-for-profit research centre that accelerates discovery and innovation to benefit patients and the economy, today and for generations to come. We are pioneering a ‘team science’ approach that brings together researchers, clinicians, industry, patients, and their advocates to foster discovery and deliver innovative products and services that improve the lives of those living with brain disorders.
OBI partners with research and industry to co-ordinate commercialization and application of brain-related technologies. Programs like ONtrepreneurs and NERD help de-risk investment in neurotechnologies bridging the funding gap between research and private capital to ensure validated brain-related technology.
OBI has joined to Riipen platform to provide additional support to our portfolio companies and to create an opportunity to provide experiential learning opportunities to build capacity in the neurotech sector.