Testing and refining of Employee Training manual.

Project scope
Training & development Product or service launch EducationSkills
training and development digitizationWe would like to test and refine our employee training manual.
This project should focus on:
- Testing our training manual and refining the material to prepare us to digitize our employee training.
- Assessing existing on-line training platforms and recommending the best platform for this course.
We have lots of existing content to share, so the project wouldn't be starting from scratch. The bulk of the project would be course testing and deisgn.
The final deliverables should take the form of:
- An updated training manual based on the manaul testing performed.
Students will connect directly with the employer and other managers to test the effectiveness of our newly developed training manual.
About the company
PickEco Refills is a zero waste grocery store in Chilliwack BC. We are more than a retail store, we are a hub for environmental activism and education. Our goal is simple: reduce the amount of plastic that ends up in our lakes, rivers and oceans. We have several approaches to this goal, and the first step is always education and prevention. We would love for you to be a part of our waste free future!