SEO and Social Media Strategy
Positions available: two students, individually or in a team Our team is looking for Search Engine Optimization Specialist who can help us drive more traffic and improve our SEO positioning. The primary project requirements include: 1- Keyword analysis to determine relevant search terms to our organization 2- A strategy document to outline: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) requirements to ensure our organization appears on the first page of Google for relevant keywords Social media requirements to increase the number of followers/likes and share 3- Content Calendar Execution: Timely deployment of all our social media content to drive maximum traffic to our site 4- Creating engaging content for prominent media websites 5- Working with tools and programs such as Canva, Buffer, and Facebook Publishing Tools 6- Schedule social media posts using ( Facebook Creator Studio or a similar platform) We’re excited to work with students who can help us not only brainstorm, but also execute a strategy. This is a great project for students to prove their digital marketing expertise to future employers, as the impact of their work on this project can be easily measured and communicated.
Business Administration
Looking for students to help staff with administrative work. Students will gain a broad understanding of a multitude of business concepts and applications. Roles may include: · Logistical and scheduling support ·Office administration · Sales · Document control · Bookkeeping · Data entry · Customer service
System Architectural Design
We are looking for students to propose a new Amazon Web Service Articture for our application. Students need to consider availability, scalability, and security. Milestones may includes: - Collect requirement - Understand current system - Create AWS Reference Architecture diagram - Implement the design - Test the implementation.
Penetration Testing - Cyber Security
Number of positions available: 3 teams of 4 persons We are looking for students to evaluate the security of our web application. The students will do system analysis, providing cyber security solutions and reporting. Tasks include: 1. Attack Surface Mapping -to check the domain, IP, subdomain enumeration, port scan, service scan, SSL scan etc. 2. Automated scans - on the found/agreed endpoints, automated scans can be being run 3. Manual testing - on the found/agreed endpoints, manual tests can be performed using either CharlesProxy or BurpSuite. 4. Final report and retesting once things are fixed from our end. Way of Communication: We will be communicating using Riipen messages, Trello and Zoom
Privacy Policy Development
Number of positions available: 3 team of 4 persons We are seeking ambitious students to join our team to evaluate how our company collect, use, disclose and store data. Students will do privacy Gap Assessment covering personal information in the client Apps, with close attention to the legal requirements under PIPA (BC) and HIPPA. Review and develop security policies and support practices including: ○ Information Security Policies ○ Bring your own device Policies ○ End user IT and acceptable use policy ○ Vulnerability management policy ○ Data protection policy ○ Privacy policy ○ Work from home policies. Deliverable: A report with Gap assessment and recommendations.
Web Developer
We would like to add new features to our website. We are using React.js and Node.js Students should be prepared to: Use our mockup designs Build a fully-functioning functions. Provide training on updating and maintaining the site.
Design Education Game- Enjoyment Guaranteed!
Positions available: 6 persons We Are looking for creative students who can design art for educational games. Games can help children to identify their emotions, advocate against bullying..etc. We will provide initial references. We believe this project will require: Researching existing educational games for children with special needs. Developing a prototype of a recommended design. Creating game artifact. Do not worry if you do not get it right the first time! We follow an agile & iterate process The final deliverables include: A document about your findings. A prototype of the recommended design with Art.
Health Promotion Campaign Plan
Our organization wants to further our efforts to increase awareness about autism, ADHD and special needs. We would like to work with students to develop a campaign that successfully raises awareness and changes behaviour around mental health. Students will design and carry out a campaign strategy around phycology, applied behavior analysis, occupational therapy, speech therapy. Choose from topics and questions they want to work on Read research papers, book or verified blogs about related topics. Write about the topic and include the latest and most accurate data and information. Design social media post, posters, videos, and/or brochures.
Fundraising Strategy
Positions available: Up to 4 We are looking for students to help us develop a fundraising plan which involves researching opportunities, brainstorming ideas and developing a plan. The project will include, but may not be limited to: - Finding various online donation platforms and donor management programs that we can tap into to source funding for our online platform - Working with us to brainstorm ideas on how to raise funds more proactively and efficiently - Developing a plan and content for our donors.
Press Release Creation
Positions available: 6 We want to be recognized in our community and nationally for the work that we are doing. We have a great story to tell about parents and therapist of children with autism, and we want it to be picked up by media outlets. We need students to create press releases for us. Students should be prepared to: Help us refine our story to something compelling and news-worthy Write up press releases around multiple news-worthy stories Identify media outlets that are most beneficial to us/most likely to pick the story up. Send press releases and establish positive rapport with media contacts Secure media exposure for our organization.
Financial Business Plan
Positions available: five students We are looking to launch a new business and would like to involve students in this exciting time as we works to develop a financial business plan. We can provide access to internal documentation other information as needed as well as access to key contacts. Based on our unique goals and constraints, we would like students to develop a strong, competitive financial business plan, which we can present to investors. The plan should include: Sales forecasting Expense budget Income projections (conservative and aggressive) Assets and liabilities Break-even analysis
Voice Over Scripting & Video Production
Our company wants to create a video. We would like to collaborate with students to help us tell a compelling story through this video. We have initial images and story that need to be refined. The Video production may include: Developing a script and story. Acquiring screenshots and recording of our application Acquiring the footage. Doing voice over
SEO and Social Media Strategy
Positions available: three students, individually or in a team Our team is looking for Search Engine Optimization Specialist who can help us drive more traffic and improve our SEO positioning. The primary project requirements include: Keyword analysis to determine relevant search terms to our organization A strategy document to outline: Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) requirements to ensure our organization appears on the first page of Google for relevant keywords Social media requirements to increase the number of followers/likes and share Content Calendar Execution: Timely deployment of all our social media content to drive maximum traffic to our site Creating engaging content for prominent media websites Working with tools and programs such as Canva, Buffer, and Facebook Publishing Tools We’re excited to work with students who can help us not only brainstorm, but also execute a strategy. This is a great project for students to prove their digital marketing expertise to future employers, as the impact of their work on this project can be easily measured and communicated.
Sales Project
Positions available: 6 We are seeking ambitious sales intern to join our team. We would like you to propose sales process by researching competitor’s sales processes and contacting customers to figure out what strategy works. initially creating then revising sales scripts for emails, social media and sales calls. Finally creating a process handbook for our team. The insights that you provide will help our team improve lead generation. What you will do Strategically find and create a list of leads of potential clients and customers Contact potential customers by email, phone and through social media. Oversee our Social Media Channels. Manage early stages of the sales cycle. Keep track of attribution and success rates Create sales scripts for emails, social media and sales calls Qualifications: Passion for technology, mobile and/or e-commerce Like to talk to potential customers Understanding of basic social media tools Experience in sales and/or customer service Ability to work in a fast-paced and ambiguous environment Deliverable: A Sales Handbook outlining the recommended sales process and strategy, including sales scripts for emails, social media and sales calls.A report detailing your research, recommended solutions, and an implementation plan. Way of Communication: We will be communicating using Riipen messages, Trello and Zoom
Product Launch Strategy
We want to expand our product offering with a new design. We need insights to help anticipate the ramp-up to commercialization and the best approach to go to market successfully with our new product. Initial questions to brainstorm include, but are not limited to: 1. Where in the world is the best place to launch for early success? Should we just default to launching where we live? What is the total market size for this opportunity? 2. With whom should we partner to market and spread the word? 3. Who are our closest competitors and how do we differentiate ourselves? 4. How do we establish our brand: Build awareness, acquire customers, and defend any early success? We are looking to gain alternative perspectives on potential marketing tactics and better understand the current competitive market.
Virtual Internship Opportunity: Web Development
Number of positions available: 7 We are seeking ambitious intern to join our team. The primary responsibility is improving back-end or front-end of our web services, and monitoring support requests. Intern contributions: Develop small functionality or fixing bugs Testing some features. Monitor IT support requests Provide technical support for customers if needed Qualifications: Experience or coursework with Node.js, Express, Mysql and React.js Experience or coursework with web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sass, jQuery) Experience with Git Preferably experience with Amazon Web Services EC2 and S3. A desire to learn, contribute and collaborate We will communicate with our virtual intern using Riipen messaging, Trello, email and zoom.
Marketing Strategy
Number of positions available: 1 team of 4 persons We are seeking ambitious students to join our team. What the students will do Conduct Market Research on competitors and identify new market opportunities Create marketing content using Canva.com or other tools. Strategically find and create a list of leads of potential clients and customers Contact potential customers by email, phone and through social media. Oversee our Social Media Channels. Qualifications: Passion for technology, mobile and/or e-commerce Understanding of basic social media tools Ability to work in a fast-paced and ambiguous environment