- Description
Brain Gym® Canada was founded October 15, 2019. Our vision is:
To build a vibrant, professional and playful Brain Gym community, connecting our members across Canada, encouraging all of us to thrive, supporting the growth and recognition of Brain Gym in Canada.
The Brain Gym® program is committed to the principle that moving with intention leads to optimal learning. Through our outstanding instructors and movement-based programs, we empower all ages to reclaim the joy of living.
- Number of employees
- 2 - 10 employees
- Year established
- 2019
- Company website
- https://braingymcanada.ca/
- Categories
- Communications Market research Product or service launch
- Industries
- Education Individual & family services Non-profit, philanthropic & civil society Sports & fitness
Recent projects
Market Research Project for Movement Exploration Courses
Brain Gym® Canada is pleased to announce the creation of a new ‘virtual’ internship position for a marketing student or team. This is a program relevant to three market segments: · Early Childhood Education/Care, Special Needs Teachers, Teaching Assistants · Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Personal Support Workers, Counsellors · Coaches and Dance Instructors The courses provide participants with practical and experiential training in the movement development and growth of individuals. This training includes assessment techniques, safe and easy-to-do activities to use with students, clients, athletes, dancers, children. We are looking for students to collect market research and create an effective marketing plan. The primary focus for the student/team will be: Market Research - Investigate the landscape; perform market segmentation to identify the ideal target market for Movement Exploration; conduct customer surveys or focus groups to gain insights into the perceptions and behaviours of our target customers; develop a pricing strategy; identify key messaging; create outbound marketing materials. Strategy - Develop a go-to-market strategy for new services; write proposals. Strategic Social Media Marketing - Develop and implement strategies to build our online presence and increase engagement; create useable social media and blog posts. Our goal at the end of this experience is: Market Research - For the student(s) to help us gain a better understanding of our target market and ensure we are optimally positioned and our product and pricing aligns with our target sector/customers. Strategy – For the student(s) to help us develop the plan for entering the market; to write proposals. Strategic Social Media Marketing - For the student(s) to help us improve our online presence, to reach more customers and connect to organizations, and to effectively promote our brand through compelling content. Other duties the student may complete could include : Content development, including social posts, blog posts, LinkedIn articles, and website copy. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern(s) using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, email
French Translation of Brain Gym® Canada Website
Brain Gym® Canada is looking for a student or team of students to translate our existing English WordPress website into French. We will provide website text in Word format. We are hoping to achieve a language toggle function allowing both Anglophone and Francophone visitors to have the same experience. To get a more idea of project scope please visit: www.braingymcanada.ca. Brain Gym® Canada recherche un étudiant ou une équipe d'étudiants pour traduire notre site Wordpress anglais en français. Nous fournirons tous les documents en format Word. Nous espérons obtenir une fonction d'alternance linguistique permettant aux visiteurs anglophones et francophones de vivre la même expérience du site. Nous vous invitons à consulter notre site pour en savoir plus: braingymcanda.ca
Marketing Project for Brain Body Fitness
Brain Gym® Canada is seeking a student or team to assist marketing the Brain Body Fitness Program. This program of movement activities improves body awareness , balance and coordination. Participants learn to move with more ease and efficiency, safely and confidently in daily life situations. It draws on activities and exercises from the Brain Gym program as well as Movement Exploration, Rhythmic Movement Training, Constructive Rest and Ideokinesis, Qi Gong and other modalities. Classes and workshops are conducted both in person and online. Participants get their bodies moving, release stress patterns, lengthen and strengthen muscles, wake up their brains, and…. maybe even laugh a little. Activities can be adapted for people with limited mobility. The program has had enthusiastic response locally and since Covid-19 online internationally. We are looking to increase participation online and expand our teaching to venues such as community centres and senior residences. Student activities will include: Strategy - Evaluating our current customer base and make recommendations for further market penetration; assessing our current outreach process and developing and implementing targeted prospecting; identifying new funding and grant opportunities and writing proposals; reviewing our prospect messaging, making improvement recommendations, and creating new outreach content. Market Research - Conducting customer surveys or focus groups to gain insights into the perceptions and behaviours of our target customers; identifying expansion opportunities; identifying key messaging for Brain Body Fitness. Strategic Social Media Marketing - Developing and implementing strategies for improving our online presence and increasing engagement; creating a content calendar; creating useable social media and blog posts. Our goal at the end of this experience is: Strategy - For the student(s) to help us expand our customer base; develop and implement targeted prospecting; help us secure new partnerships and funding; review our prospect messaging, make improvement recommendations, and create new outreach content. Market Research - For the student(s) to help find the best market segment, sponsors and venues for our program. Strategic Social Media Marketing - For the student(s) to help us improve our online presence, reach more customers, and effectively promote our program through compelling content. Other duties the student may complete could include : Content development, including social posts, blog posts, LinkedIn articles, and website copy. We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern(s) using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, email Primary contact : Dana Luebke, Instructor
Virtual Internship Opportunity: EDMS/Database for Website - Computer Science
Our organization is able to offer a virtual internship opportunity for (1, 2 or 3) computer science students or teams. Brain Gym Canada® is brand-new organization, created to support Brain Gym® Consultants in Canada, build our community and promote the growth and presence of Brain Gym® nationally. We have a website (thanks to Riipen!) and now we need to build an information database for our members to access and use. This would be the "RESOURCES" tab on our website - an online library which contains articles, information and research. This addition to our website needs to be easily searchable by keyword and by category, and it needs to be easy for us to continuously add to, including tagging and metadata. The primary focus for the student will be: Implement an electronic document management system (EDMS) with search capabilities that integrates with our existing website Database Development - our file management system/database needs to be easily searchable by keyword and by category. We need a system that enables us to easily add articles and information to the database, capture metadata tags and cross-reference it Open Source Software Selection - Research and identify potential open source tools for our organization’s use. As a not-for-profit, we ideally need freely available software. This would only be required if software is needed in addition to the EDMS, or to aid in it's continued functionality Our goal at the end of this experience is: A fully functional EDMS which is integrated into our existing website Software Identification, recommendations and evaluation - if needed Provision of a clear and user-friendly document which enables us (as non-techies) to optimally operate and efficiently maintain and sustain the system once the project has been completed and "handed over" to us Other duties the student/team may complete could include : These would decided on collaboratively as the project is developed, if anything additional is needed We will plan to communicate with our virtual intern using these communication tools: Riipen messaging, email, Zoom, and any other communication methods that best suite the student/team and our primary contact Student's primary contact : Karen MacKay, Secretary & Librarian, Brain Gym Canada®
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