Nicolas Brandreth
Pat Frewer
Pat Frewer
August 5, 2022
Team feedback
Nicolas made good progress and took this stage of dev't to about the 75% point for readiness for market. His Excel skills and quick comprehension of mortgage financing techniques allowed him to contribute to our refinement of our methods of consumer engagement and client orientation and qualification.
Calculators Mortgage loans Real estate Investments Equities
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Carpe Diem Suites
Automated Rent-to-Own Calculator for First Home Ownership
Carpe Diem Suites
Von Grant
Von Grant
He / Him
CMO / Creative Director
July 26, 2022
Team feedback
Analytical thinker, highly motivated, completed project ahead of schedule--would work with student consultant again. Overall, great team.
Hubspot crm Google sheets Social marketing Communication Blog posts Social media management Social media marketing Email marketing Social media Market share
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Level UP: Multidisciplinary Projects (2022 - March 2023)
Riipen Level UP 🚀
Quantum Identity Group
Social Media VIP (Virtual Internship Program)
Quantum Identity Group
Ohoud A.
Ohoud A.
December 24, 2021
Team feedback
Nicolas is an excellent student! He is self-motivated and has good communication skills. It is always a pleasure working with him.
Business planning Internal documentation Sales
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
Level UP Accounting & Finance Projects
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
YLE Education
Financial Business Plan
YLE Education
Clara H. Whyte
Executive Director
June 3, 2021
Team feedback
Very good work!
T2 tax return (corporation income tax return) Tax returns Income tax Accounting Spreadsheets
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
Level UP Accounting & Finance Projects
Riipen Strategic Projects (1.0)
Paideia Mundi
Accounting Assistance
Paideia Mundi