marium ahmad
marium ahmad
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Marketing strategy Media Visual arts


Marketing 2 Blogs 1 Commercialization 1 Content creation 1 Digital content 1 Go-to-market strategy 1 Graphic novel 1 Labor coaching 1 Market size 1 Midwifery 1 New product development 1 Newsletters 1 Packaging and labeling 1 Podcasting 1 Social media 1



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Recent projects

Catalogue Baby
Catalogue Baby

Digital Content Creation

Positions available: up to 2 We would like students to help us with creating content that is aligned with our vision, mission, and sector. We will ensure the student has a clear understanding of what these elements are for our organization. I have just published a graphic novel about my fertility journey. The official launch event is February 24 but the official "in-store publication date" is March 2. I needs in three main areas: 1) create interesting, engaging, relevant digital content to promote the book to the general world on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and any other platform that would be relevant 2) find blogs, podcasts, newspapers, magazines, tv, and radio interview opportunities, and 3)reach out to clinics, counsellors, midwives, doulas, and other people in the health sector (both traditional and Western) who have (in)fertility as part of their practice to get them to buy the book for themselves and their clients. My website is To accomplish this, we expect the student(s) will: Write blog articles, email newsletters/sequences and other content pieces on assigned topics Assist with a social media video launch to promote our organization Evaluate recent successful user-generated campaigns, preferably in our sector Identify media outlets that are most beneficial to share our story Ultimately, you will be working on content creation for our organization, including video, social media, and other collateral that we can use as go-to marketing tools. If you like the sound of our culture, and are ready to tackle this challenge with us, then we'd love to hear from you. A student or team with excellent writing and video skills would be the ideal candidate for this project.

Matches 1
Category Media + 3
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Product Launch Strategy

Number of individual students required: (2 students) We want to expand our product offering with a new design. We need insights to help anticipate the ramp-up to commercialization and the best approach to go to market successfully with our new product. Initial questions to brainstorm include, but are not limited to: 1. Where in the world is the best place to launch for early success? Should we just default to launching where we live? What is the total market size for this opportunity? 2. With whom should we partner on manufacturing, kitting, packaging, warehousing, and fulfillment? How complex is that and how much will it cost, realistically? 3. Who are our closest competitors and how do we differentiate ourselves? 4. How do we establish our brand: Build awareness, acquire customers, and defend any early success? We are looking to gain alternative perspectives on potential marketing tactics and better understand the current competitive market.

Matches 2
Category Marketing - general + 4

Work experience

Product Launch Strategy & illustrations
May 2021 - August 2021
Digital Content Creation & illustration
Catalogue Baby
April 2021 - April 2021


other, Professional Advanced Esthetics
Eveline Charles
January 2022 - Current
other, Design
Grant Macewan Univesity
September 2019 - November 2021
other, Fine Art
University of Alberta
September 2018 - April 2019