Human Potential Research Project
Number of individual positions available: up to 4 We are a business and personal performance consulting and coaching firm that works with CEO's, executives, entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals. This project will entail researching the scientific and psychological elements of getting into the "flow" or "zone." This is a state of optimal performance. Essentially, it's the ability for the average person to have optimal execution, productivity and results. Going from Clark Kent to Superman. We are able to take on up to 4 students. Students will be researching and compiling strategies for individuals to have optimal performance levels. They'll also be answering questions such as: how does a person get into the zone? How long can a person stay in the zone? What elements are required to optimize the zone? The research must be sound and from credible sources. The end product is a "how to" guide for getting into the zone. The purpose is to provide managers and individuals with a guide to optimize personal performance in the workplace, sports and even at home. The students will surely learn how to optimize their own performance along the way.

Financial Business Plan & Cash Flow Pro Forma
We have develop a forward looking cash flow pro forma and need assistance confirming that all worksheets are accurate and relate to each other and roll-up to a high-level 4 year forecast. We would like to involve students in this exciting time as we works to finalize our financial business plan. We can provide access to internal documentation other information as needed as well as access to key assumptions and underlying data. Based on our unique goals and constraints, we would like students to develop a strong, competitive financial business plan, which we can present to investors. The plan should include: Sales forecasting Expense budget Income projections (conservative and aggressive) Assets and liabilities Break-even analysis All of this is already developed and included in our pro forma...we need a top notch business finance geek to make sure that our assumptions are reasonable, our analysis acceptable and our spreadsheet cell structure accurate.

Market Research
Positions available: a team of two students We want to better understand our target market and audience as well as the overall market so we can uniquely position ourselves within our industry. The research will include: Target market research Industry size and market potential Competitive landscape Strategic positioning of our brand

Financial Business Plan
Positions available: five students We are looking to launch a new business and would like to involve students in this exciting time as we works to develop a financial business plan. We can provide access to internal documentation other information as needed as well as access to key contacts. Based on our unique goals and constraints, we would like students to develop a strong, competitive financial business plan, which we can present to investors. The plan should include: Sales forecasting Expense budget Income projections (conservative and aggressive) Assets and liabilities Break-even analysis

Financial Risk Analysis
Positions available: 5 students We are interested in understanding the state of the market and our organization’s level of risk. We would like to conduct a risk analysis to determine our level of security and our best course of action. We believe that the best way to accomplish this is to build a market and financial risk model for our organization and perform a sensitivity analysis using both private and public sources of data. We believe this project will include: Apply mathematical/statistical analysis and computing methods to analyze data. Estimate the volatility, correlation for returns, forward contracts, and industry-specific futures. Presenting findings on our market risk exposure and provide recommendations. By using private (provided by your organization) and publicly available data on industry-specific derivatives, students will also perform a sensitivity analysis to identify the reliability of risk estimates.

Market Research
**This project is only being presented to students in the Level Up program for which the grant will be provided. ** We want to better understand our target market and audience as well as the overall market so we can uniquely position ourselves within our industry. The research will include: Target market research Industry size and market potential Competitive landscape Strategic positioning of our brand Research into other potential revenue streams that could be pursued by the company. Compiling information related to the jewellery industry.