Jaxon Jensen


Editing 2 Research 2 Coaching 1 Event marketing 1 Google sheets 1 Health databases 1 Ideation 1 Marketing 1 Recruitment planning 1 Survey development 1 Survey measurements 1 Talent recruitment 1 User generated content 1


Latest feedback

Recent projects

Spotlight Talent Agency
Spotlight Talent Agency
Lake Country, British Columbia, Canada

Self Tape Support Video Series Development

To create video resources and checklists to help support new clients with understanding how to put together their first self tape (or how to level up their self tape skills!)

Matches 2
Category Media + 4
Real Adulting 101
Real Adulting 101
Lake Country, British Columbia, Canada

Real Adulting 101 Content Generation Project

The goal of this project is to create user generated content (videos + posts) around Real Adulting 101 products to build brand and product awareness. Students will pick programs and products that they’re passionate about and will go through the entire process: idea generation, filming, editing, posting.

Matches 1
Category Product or service launch + 4
Spotlight Talent Agency
Spotlight Talent Agency
Lake Country, British Columbia, Canada

Commercial Roster Development

The main goal of this project is to help in the development of our commercial roster including research, outreach, interviewing and onboarding of new clients. The goal is to create a more diverse roster to help fill in the areas of our roster that we're missing and to ensure those clients know how to properly audition and navigate the commercial world.

Matches 1
Category Communications + 4
Spotlight Talent Agency
Spotlight Talent Agency
Lake Country, British Columbia, Canada

Commercial Roster Development 2.0

The main goal of this project is to help in the development of our commercial roster including research, outreach, interviewing and onboarding of new clients. The goal is to create a more diverse roster to help fill in the areas of our roster that we're missing and to ensure those clients know how to properly audition and navigate the commercial world.

Matches 2
Category Market expansion + 4